
February 2024

More sports: Bigger profit

2024-02-15T12:27:39+01:00February 8th 2024|

We're thrilled to announce the newest version of RebelBetting! This update is geared at making your profits even bigger with the addition of new sports and even more supported bookmakers. RebelBetting - Profits from Sports Betting made easy.

January 2024

RebelBetting Community and Discord

2024-01-26T13:57:08+01:00January 26th 2024|

RebelBetting is the ultimate destination for profitable sports bettors. Join the greatest Sports Betting Community, where smart sports bettors come together to share knowledge, strategies, and experiences. It's a welcoming place where everyone's focused on outsmarting bookmakers and betting on mispriced odds.

CLV Explained

2024-05-06T15:24:20+02:00January 22nd 2024|

In the world of sports betting, there's a crucial concept that separates the winners from the losers: closing line value (CLV). Join Chris, a seasoned betting expert, as he delves into the intricacies of CLV, explaining its significance and demonstrating its practical application. Discover how to identify and capitalize on value bets, maximizing your

December 2023

Betfair Sportsbook results breakdown

2023-12-29T14:00:09+01:00December 29th 2023|

In this In-depth analysis we take a deep dive into the statistics of Betfair Sportsbook. You will find out which are the most profitable betting strategies and lucrative markets on Betfair Sportsbook.

Bet365 results breakdown

2023-12-29T12:17:08+01:00December 29th 2023|

In this in-depth analysis, we dissect the year's Bet365 sports betting results.